‘Shadeism’ will be screened at the Opening Night Gala of the Regent Park Film Festival next Wednesday, November 3 @ 7pm. The festival is taking place at Lord Dufferin Public School – 350 Parliament Street. We hope to see you there for a night of amazing youth-made works!

For More Info: http://www.regentparkfilmfestival.com/sched/youth.html

‘Shadeism’ Synopsis:

This short TV documentary is an introduction to the issue of shadeism, the discrimination that exists between the lighter-skinned and darker-skinned members of the same community. This documentary short looks specifically at how it affects young womyn within the African, Caribbean, and South Asian diasporas. Through the eyes and words of 5 young womyn and 1 little girl – all females of colour – the film takes us into the thoughts and experiences of each. Overall, ‘Shadeism’ explores where shadeism comes from, how it directly affects us as womyn of colour, and ultimately, begins to explore how we can move forward through dialogue and discussion.

Link: http://www.vimeo.com/16210769

*NOTE: We are working to further develop this short TV documentary into a larger initiative, which includes the creation of a documentary feature. So please watch, share, and send us your thoughts. All feedback is welcome!

Nayani Thiyagarajah: nayanit@gmail.com

Muginga Antonio: muginga.antonio@gmail.com

Much love + respect.


About Nayani Vathsaladevi-Thiyagarajah:

A recent graduate of the Ryerson School of Journalism, Nayani Thiyagarajah is an emerging artist and storyteller. She uses film, photography, theatre, dance, and writing, as tools to document and share stories, especially those of womyn of colour. Presently, she is hard at work on a multi-media project entitled Shadeism, where she is using film, photography, and writing (and possibly other mediums!) to document and break down the issue of shadeism and its impacts on womyn of colour. Nayani is also involved with many other groups and initiatives including bcurrent Performing Arts, Manifesto Community Projects, Pound Magazine, and Kaleid, of which she is the co-creator and co-director. She hopes that she is always able to continue using creative mediums to express compelling messages about the world and its people.

Nayani is one of the newest performing artists with Limitless Productions

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