We are thrilled to be performing and aligning ourselves with The Feminist Art Conference – March 9, 2012
Here is some information on FAC – http://factoronto.org/
The mission for the Feminist Art Conference was inspired by two things: firstly the recent spate of attacks on women’s rights in Canada, the US and abroad. Recently, these infringements on our right to agency and independence have been occurring in alarming numbers in our governments, in the media and in our communities. Secondly, Ilene Sova’s MISSING WOMEN PROJECT paintings will be at the Creative Blueprint Gallery (running from March 2nd to March 16th) and from it’s inception it was extremely important for Sova to have a feminist discussion to accompany the show because the issues it brings up affect all women in a variety of ways. In the centuries old tradition of women organizing we believe that by coming together and communicating about these issues through our artistic practice, that we can initiate progressive change through creating, communicating, sharing and discussing. Ultimately, this conference is a chance for feminist artists to network, interact with and inspire each other with their creative endeavours. It will also provide an opportunity for these issues to be explored and communicated artistically in a unique and creative space.